Frequency of the electricity grid gets stabilized by the VPP.
Additional revenue in our VPP from flexibility.
Functioning of a Virtual Power Plant explained.
Aggregated in a VPP, distributed assets can make important contributions to the stability of a power grid and generate additional revenues.
Schedule optimization of flexible energy consumers.

Continuous power consumption

Possibility to temporarily reduce load within the consumption process

Possibility to ramp up the consumption on short notice

Existence of a buffer (batteries or storage tanks, silos)?

Automated consumption control via process control technology

Existence of own power production on the companies premises (CHP, emergency generators, power to X, etc.)

Load management with a variable power rate explained.

1. Connection

An encrypted connection is established via the Next Box remote control unit.

2. Prequalification

The unit needs to be prequalified to comply to the TSO regulations for providing balancing energy.

3. Revenues

The asset owner receives revenues according to his contribution to grid stability.

Aggregated Flexibility

2 555MW

Aggregated Units

14 324Q1/2025

Volume of traded energy

15.1TWh in 2024

Networked Capacity

12 700MW Q1 2025

Ancillary service provided in TSO areas

7TSO areas
